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Justyna is the coordinator of the London branch.

This branch trains every Sunday at Norbury Park Stafford (ST20 0PP) in an open-air gym. Exercises are aimed at running competitions with obstacles, such as Spartans.

Children group (4 – 13 years old) meets at 12:00 (1 hour of training)

Children perform general body balance exercises strengthening motor coordination with elements of endurance exercises.

During the sessions children build self-confidence, determination and openness to challenges. Mental work allows them to overcome their fears.

The group of adults meets at 1pm. Participants train their speed, endurance and fitness condition.


Every few weeks trips to obstacle courses are being organised so you can face new obstacles and check the progress in your development.


Ask the coordinator about the dates and places of departure.

Husaria Race Team invites you to joint our running trainings and long-distance bicycle trips.